Wedding - Jean & Grady, Hampton Cove Wedding Venue, Gurley Alabama
Jean and Grady were maried at Hampton Cove Wedding Venue outside of Huntsville Alabama. When it comes to wedding venues in North Alabama, we love working with the team at Hampton Cove because they are super professional and just nice people! I’ve been filming and photographing out there for over a decade and it’s always gone smoothly thanks to Heather and Carla!
The #1 Mistake Brides Make When Hiring A Photographer
Don’t make this mistake when hiring a wedding photographer! Plus get some extra points to discuss with your potential photographers.
Alexy & Derek - Wedding
Alexy and Derek were married in Birmingham Alabama on July 17, 2021. We had a great time covering their wedding at St Mark The Evangelist Church and then the reception at Renaissance Ross Bridge Resort in Birmingham Alabama.